DoTheNeedful is an implementation of cIRCuitbot serving the #reddit-sysadmin
channel on the Libera.Chat IRC Network
Bot Help
You interact with DoTheNeedful via IRC. Commands are sent to the bot either in channel or in private message (/msg DoTheNeedful
). The commands that the bot accepts, and what they do, are below.
General Commands
Parameters in [ ]
are required. Parameters in { }
are optional.
!dtn [username]
- Do The Needful,[username]
.!google/!g [search]
- Get the top Google search result for[search]
- What's the problem?!pray/!letuspray
- The Sysadmin Prayer.!cloak [username]
- Provides quick instructions to[username]
on how to obtain an IRC Cloak for their hostname.!stupid/!dumber [username]
- I award you zero points,[username]
- Link to the Statsbot Page.!mystats
- Get your stats according to this bot.!top10
- Show the top 10 users.!flyfact/!fly
- Get a random fact about flies!!ask/!dontask [username]
- Don't ask to ask. Here's why.!morepower/!moreram/!moredb [username]
- You know you need it!!xyprob/!xy [username]
- Classic XY Problem, call it out!!day/!today/!whatday
- What is today?!gitgud [username]
- Sometimes, people just need to git gud.!ud [search]
- Search Urban Dictionary for[search]
.!seen [username]
- See the last time[username]
was seen by the bot.
Quotes Commands
Parameters in [ ]
are required. Parameters in { }
are optional.
!add [quote]
- Add a[quote]
to the quotes database.!quote {search}
- With no parameter, show a random quote. Parameter can be a specific quote ID, or{search}
where a random resulting match is shown.!up/!down [id]
- Vote up or down a quote.!top
- Display the quote with the most upvotes.!bottom
- Display the quote with the most downvotes.!myquotestats
- Get quote stats for yourself.!quotestats
- Get overall quote stats.
Trivia Commands
Parameters in [ ]
are required. Parameters in { }
are optional.
- Start a Triva Game with a random Topic.!trivia topics
- Show the available Topics for Trivia.!scores
- Show the high scores for all topics.!myscores
- Show your scores for all topics you have points in.
Op Commands
Parameters in [ ]
are required. Parameters in { }
are optional. Only operators with specific flags in the bot database can use these commands.
!op/!deop {username}
- Give yourself ops or deop yourself, or if{username}
is specified, give that user ops or deop them.!v/!voice/!dv/!devoice {username}
- Give yourself voice or devoice yourself, or if{username}
is specified, give that user voice or devoice them.!q/!quiet/!uq/!unquiet [username]
- Quiet[username]
with a +q flag.